Tuesday 31 May 2016

Kehidupan Arioma

What does Arioma think of Vegemite?? Check out the new video to find out. We talk culture, work, food plus more!

Monday 30 May 2016

Keluarga Agus

Waktu saya pertama tiba di rumah Agus, Agus dan istrinya bernama Dewi, sangat sopan dan ramah. Kita minum teh Indonesia (yang selalu sangat enak) dan bercakap-cakap tentang keluarga mereka, dan mereka bertanya kepada saya tentang proyek ini. Juga, mereka bertanya mengapa saya menarik pada Indonesia. Pertanyaan ini sangat sering dar orang Indonesia kepada saya. Biasanya saya menyebut tempat-tempat yang indah, orang Indonesia yang selalu ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tetapi saya pikir hal yang paling menerik adalah bahwa mereka selalu bertanya pertanyaan itu!

Beberapa waktu nanti, kita mulai video tentang keluarga Agus. Pertama-tama, anak-anak sedikit awas terhadap saya. Tetapi waktu kita mulai pembicaraan, mereka pasti bangun. Mereka menjadi sangat lucu dan manis waktu saya bertanya tentang makanan. Menurut saya, lebih banyak orang lihat video itu karena kelucuan anak-anak.
Sesudah kita selesai pembicaraan, tentu saja ada makanan. Dewi memasak Soto Betawi yang paling enak. Saya masih belum bertemu seorang Indonesia yang tidak bisa masak makanan yang enak!

When I first arrived at Agus’ house he and his wife Dewi, were very welcoming and friendly towards me. We drank Indonesian tea (which is always delicious) and chatted about their family and they asked about my project. They also asked why I’m interested in Indonesia, which I often get asked by Indonesians. Usually I mention the beautiful places in Indonesia, how to people are always so great and the delicious food. But I think the fact they ask that question is even more interesting.

Some time later, we started to film the video. At first the kids were quite wary of me, but once we starting chatting they definitely woke up! They we very cute when we started talking about Australian food. I think most people watched this week’s video because of how the kids were!

After we finished filming there was of course food. Dewi made the most delicious Soto Betawi for dinner. I’m still yet to meet an Indonesian that can’t cook a delicious meal!

Friday 27 May 2016

Keluarga Agus

In this week's video I met with Agus' family to talk about some of the challenges they've faced while living in Australia. Stay tuned for the journal entry in the coming days!

Thursday 26 May 2016

Journal - Kunjungan ke pasar

Kemarin saya bertemu dengan Azi dan Zia untuk “Kunjungan ke pasar”. Kita bertemu di toko Bakulan, toko yang menjual makanan Indonesia. Toko ini sangat populer dengan mahasiswa Indonesia. Kopi Indonesian dan coklat Beng-Beng saya beli.
       Waktu kita tiba di pasar, menjadi jelas kepada saya Azi dan Zia sudah berani dengan Central Market. Mereka membeli sayur-sayuran dengan cepat, lalu daging dibeli dari Butcher Halal. Biasanya saya berkeliling pasar selama beberapa waktu sebelum saya membeli apa saja! Saya bertanya Zia, kalau Central Market mengingatkan dia pada Indonesia?

“Central Market mengingatkan saya pada rumah karena suasananya yang mirip pasar tradisional di Indonesia. Bedanya, Central Market lebih rapi dan bersih.”

Saya sangat setuju dengan Zia. Di pasar di mana saja, ada suasana yang unik dan saya merasa enak di tempat itu. Central Market adalah tempat untuk semua orang, dengan asal dan agama yang beragam

Yesterday I went with Azi and Zia for a trip to the markets. First we met at Bakulan, an Indonesia shop which is a favourite amongst the Indonesia students. I couldn't resist some of my Indonesian favourites, like coffee and a Beng-Beng chocolate bar.
      When we arrived at the market it became clear to me that both Azi and Zia were already well accustomed with the Central Market. They quickly stocked up on their vegetables and meats as I tried to keep up. I tend to walk around for some time before I buy anything at the market!The markets always take me back to my travels in Indonesia, so I asked Zia if it did the same for her…

“The Central Market reminds me of home as it resembles traditional markets in Indonesia, only it is cleaner and tidier.”

While every market has its unique attributes, they all share a common trait which makes them feel familiar. And The Central Market is no exception, it is a place where people from all cultural backgrounds and religions cross paths. 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Kunjungan ke pasar - A trip to the market

Check out the video below to see what Azi and Zia have to say about Halal foods and prayer rooms. 

Thursday 5 May 2016

What do you think?

In the coming weeks I will be filming some of the volunteers while undertaking some of their daily tasks. I think it will be of great interest to many other students to witness the busy lives these students live.. I am also very open to suggestions for other ideas!

What do you want to see in the coming weeks? Are there any specific issues you would like me to cover?

Please leave a comment below and I will get back to you :)

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Religion was set aside

Last Saturday, I attended the weekly KIA (Kajian Islam Adelaide – Study of Islam Adelaide). Arioma (one of the four volunteers) is the president and when I arrived he introduced me as he opened the meeting. Usually in these meetings, the group discusses Islam beginning with recitations from a famous Indonesian Islam book. Everyone was very considerate towards my presence and they helped with the translations so that I understood the discussions. After these talks, the group did a prayer together while a few of the many young children did laps of the house. They weaved in between the adults as they focused on their prayer. It was then time to eat.

Each week the group members rotate cooking duties and cook a meal from their home region. This week it was a delicious Soto (soup) Betawi. Soon after dinner, the musical instruments appeared and suddenly there was a karaoke session underway. The music attracted more of the many young kids and they played song after song…

Every time I meet a new group of Indonesians I am reminded of how genuinely welcoming and compassionate they are towards people they haven’t met. Every member of the group introduced themselves and thanked me for coming. Religion itself was set aside and I was treated as everyone else in the room. 

Agama bukanlah perbedaan

Pada Hari Sabtu yang lalu, saya mengikuti pertemuan KIA (Kajian Islam Adelaide). Arioma adalah presiden, dan saya diperkenalkan oleh dia pada saat pembukaan acara. Biasanya dalam pertemuan ini mereka mendiskusikan Islam, melalui pengajian. Sesudah itu mereka melakukan sholat bersama sama. Kemudian, ada makanan kecil dengan percakapan lebih bebas. Lalu banyak piring Soto Betawi diberikan. Setiap minggu orang lain memasak makanan tradisional dari kampung mereka. Sesudah makan, alat-alat musik dibawa ke dalam ruang dan tiba-tiba karaoke mulai. Semua orang menyanyi banyak lagu Indonesia.

Setiap kali saya bertemu orang-orang Indonesian yang belum pernah saya temui, saya ingat bahwa semua orang Indonesia sangat sopan kepada orang asing. Menurut mereka, tidak menjadi masalah bahwa saya tidak beragama Islam.